Its been a long time I haven’t written any post. Yeah! After losing my previous blog’s data I was quite depressed and lost the interest in writing but now I’m thinking to write again. As most of you are already aware that I’m planning to move to Dubai now and have already started to grow my roots here. I visited Dubai back in April 2012 as well but that was just my vacation trip and was very pleasing. Because of that in the later months I decided to wrap up things from Pakistan and move to Dubai. Why? May be because of a relatively stable life. Umm! Life’s stable in Pakistan as well, as most of you will agree to some extend. Some issues are everywhere in the world but because we are living in the circle our self that’s why we see our issues as the greatest of all time. And most importantly moving to Dubai does not mean that my love for my country Pakistan has decreased or something.

Burj Khalifa, The Dubai Mall and Fountain Show
Life in Dubai is like a fairy tale – You see all the high rise buildings, the world’s biggest shopping mall, proper roads, amazing law and order system, etc. It seems like everything is just so perfect here. Most of the people say that its an imaginary world and I have also heard opinion of some that Dubai is a transit state to move further in the world. I guess everyone has their own views and experiences. Yes, talking about the experiences, everyone here has a different experience and things are very very different for everyone. If someone guides you something, that is not necessary that it will apply to anyone else too. Even the Visa and Job application process changes from field to field, area to area, person to person and company to company. There is no hard and fast rule to get a job here or get anything done. I have some friends living in Dubai for over 3 years now, and everyone guided me. Believe me, I got confused about how to proceed with things and with my employers. One tells me a story, the second warns me of it, the third tells a totally new alarming thing. Damn! In the end, I only had one thing on my mind – ‘F**K’.
One thing is very clear to me now that if you are planning to come to Dubai for a job. DON’T COME TO DUBAI WITHOUT YOUR ATTESTED EDUCATION DEGREES AND CERTIFICATES. Seriously, that was one of the biggest mistakes I made. I thought, once I will get the job here, I will send them back home and get them attested. This effects your visa and you will never get a better designation on your visa without them. Yes, if you are into a labor class, Oh then don’t take my words seriously and ignore my above recommendation.
A couple of days ago, I was talking to my mom and she asked me that is there any SALE going on in markets? I laughed at this question and she asked me why am I laughing. Well, 99% of the shops here in every mall has a SALE on it. The only shop which came to my attention that didn’t had the SALE was the outlet of Lacoste and Louis Vuitton. About the Cinemas … Haha, You know I’m a movie freak! Well, I had been to the cinema in Ibn Battuta Mall, Dubai Mall, Sahara Center and Al Ghurair Center. Ibn Battuta got the best screen and sound followed by everyone else :p Yes, seriously I hardly found any difference in any other cinema. BTW, only Ibn Battuta Mall (Grand Cinema) has the IMAX in UAE. I watched a 3D movie last night in Dubai Mall (Real Cinema) but kinda didn’t like the 3D very much. Either there was some problem with my eyes or I don’t know. I was getting two reflections of everything on the screen. The 3D glasses cost AED6 and the ticket for 3D movie is for AED45. Oh, and the 3D glasses they are using were the ones which CineStar (in Lahore, Pakistan) used to have a year ago. CineStar is now using a different projector and glasses (A better one). So I guess the 3D projector here in Dubai Mall is not a 4K 3D project, and it was neither of Barco.

Sheikh Zayed Road Traffic
Living in Dubai – I don’t understand why on Earth people live in Sharjah and work in Dubai? Seriously in the morning and after office hours the 3 lane highway of Sharjah as well as 7 lane Sheikh Zayed Road of Dubai is jam packed, bumper to bumper traffic. I mean this is so stupid that you daily spend like 3 hours on average traveling to your office and back home. People don’t even count those 3+ hours as their expense, and spend a huge time in traveling. They could get an apartment near their office to cut down their hectic traveling and time cost. OK, I agree that apartment in Sharjah is very cheap and affordable but when you calculate your traveling expense, plus, the time cost I think it is equivalent to the apartment cost here in Dubai. May be I’m wrong, but this is how I have seen things and found it very stupid. That’s the life in Dubai 😉
Night Life in Dubai is one of the most talked about thing too. You will find clubs, pubs, discos in almost every hotel and resort around Dubai. The government has controlled a lot of things over here and does not allow any club to remain open after 3am. So the clubbing and disco time starts around 12am and goes till 3am. In the high season (Autumn – Spring) the discos and clubs are charging AED100 per person entry fee, which was free before 12am when I visited in April. Life in Dubai is luxurious and fun beside your job.
Ok, that’s it for now. I will write more about my experiences soon. Specifically if you are looking for a JOB in Dubai, I will write about my experiences here too.